Deploying to a VPS

Create a Virtual Server

Create a droplet at Digital Ocean selecting your size server, server name, server location and adding your ssh keys. Once you have create a droplet, deploying your site is really simple.

If you are using digital ocean run

make pre_task

Creating a Deployment User

Next we want to create a deployment user. To create the deploy user for the production

make deploy_user

Next copy your to the ansible/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}_keystore/ folder and change the file name to authorized_keys

In addition, to creating the deploy user, this make command will download the RSA ssh public key for the deployment user into your ansible/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}_keystore/ directory. Add this key as a deployment key on sites like or

Note: If your repository is private. Make sure to add ssh key to the repository level deploy keys. You can add deploy keys to the repository from the repository’s settings tab.

Provisioning your Server and Deploying your Site

Now we want to populate your site with all the project’s requirements

make provision

You may also choose to run the individual tasks using tag by making use of the ansible tags.

Install and configure various Ubuntu packages

ansible-playbook -i ansible/production ansible/provision.yml --tags packages

Add basic security (UFW and Fail2Ban):

ansible-playbook -i ansible/production ansible/provision.yml --tags secure

Install and configure PostgreSQL, set up the project’s database

ansible-playbook -i ansible/production ansible/provision.yml --tags database

Install and Configure LetsEncrypyt and Nginx

ansible-playbook -i ansible/production ansible/provision.yml --tags nginx_le

Install VCS, Venv, Bower, Redis, Django, Load Initial Data, Gunicorn Celery

ansible-playbook -i ansible/production ansible/provision.yml --tags webapp
cp env.example ansible/wagtail_project_keystore/env.production

Once your site is up and running. You can push the changes to the live site using

make deploy

Populate .env With Your Environment Variables

Some of these services rely on environment variables set by you. There is an env.example file in the root directory of this project as a starting point. Add your own variables to the file, then move it to the ansible/{{cookiecutter.project_slug}}_keystore/ folder and change the file name to env.production. After you have change the file name set the DJANGO_DEBUG to off.