Vagrant for Development

Alternatively you may prefer to use Vagrant to run your project locally in its own virtual machine. This will allow you to use PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch Redis etc. in development without having to install them on your host machine. To install Vagrant, see: Installing Vagrant

To setup the Vagrant box, run the following commands

vagrant up # This may take some time on first run
vagrant ssh
# within the ssh session
bower install
dj createsuperuser

If you now visit http://localhost:8000 you should see the default wagtail foundation site

You can browse the Wagtail admin interface at: http://localhost:8000/admin

You can read more about how Vagrant works at:

Vagrant based Staging Server

Start by changing to the ansible directory and bringing up vagrant based the staging server.

cd /my_project/ansible
vagrant up

Because of the way Vagrant is setup we need to run a special play book to copy your ssh public key ( to the root account on the Vagrant staging machine i.e. to authorized_keys.

ansible-playbook -c paramiko -i staging vagrant_staging_setup.yml --ask-pass --sudo -u vagrant

When prompted for the password, enter “vagrant”

If you get the following error

fatal: [] => {'msg': 'FAILED: Authentication failed.', 'failed': True}``

The you may have to remove the entry (IP Address for the staging server from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

If you are using Vagrant staging you also need to make an entry into your /etc/hosts file for example.